In the course of seven years the Corsica Classic has turned into a not-to-be-missed occasion on the Mediterranean sports furthermore, way of life timetable and remains the main regatta to cruise seven days in long circuit along the Corsican coastline.
The Corsica Classic is a highly exclusive sport and lifestyle event, part of a renowned tradition of stunning Mediterranean regattas for classic yachts. It is organized by the Corsica Classic Yachting association, affiliated to the French Sailing Federation and under the patronage of the Yacht Club de France. This race is open to all traditional yachts CIM and the “Spirits of tradition” scored IRC 2017.
Pic credit @Patrick Swirc
The Corsica Classic favors conviviality, with evenings organized at each stopover, entertainment of leisure. Elegance and aesthetics are always privileged in the respect of the traditions of classical Yachting.
The “Yacht Club de France” was created with the high sponsorship of the Emperor Napoleon III on June 15, 1867. The Admiral Rigault De Genouilly, then Minister of the Navy, was its first President. On June 23, 1891, a second incentive company, “Union des Yachts Français”, was created and merged with the “Yacht Club de France” on August 6, 1891.
From its first President to the individuals who today guarantee its predetermination and its impact, the Yacht Club de France stays steadfast to its livelihood: to add to the improvement of drifting in every one of its structures; Both in cruising and hustling, to shield and advance the qualities of solidarity, obligingness and good class that drive all seafarers.
Perceived as an open utility on the eve of the Great War, the Yacht Club de France is pleased to have considered as a part of its individuals Jules Verne, Virginie Hériot, Alain Gerbault, Commander Charcot, Marin-Marie, and Eric Tabarly.
Corsica Classic tied the knot with Breast Cancer Association SOS Cancerdu Sein and its Regatta. The regatta will have few women who are experiencing this ailment to participate on one leg of the regatta for a lifetime experience in Ajaccio on Monday 28th august. This extremely exceptional stage will incorporate these women in the teams to share an incredible adventure on the sea.
The regatta with Breast cancer association will also take place on september 9th in St Florent. This year the regatta stops in the most upscale venues of Corsica, like Domaine de Murtoli (photo) and Le Lido in Propriano, the Sea Lounge on Palombaggia beach.
It would be great to say that it gathers the new generation of Michelin Starred chefs in Corsica for a gala dinner in St-Florent with Yann Le Scavarec (La Roya), Jerry Monmessin (Le Pirate in Erbalunga) and Romuald Royer (Le Lido in Propriano), all three have One michelin star.
-Another not to be missed event will be the Beneganic Breakfast, served for all the fleet in Bonifacio with the swiss vitamin shots brand with natural plants and herbs.
For more information, please visit:
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